Woman Fails Theory Test 90 Times!

According to DSA Freedom of Information data, somewhere out there – in Southwark, actually - is a 26 year old woman who failed her theory test 90 times (it doesn’t say if she’s passed it yet, but she failed that 90th attempt in November 2010).

The theory test costs £31, so she has spent £2,790 just trying to pass her theory!

You’d think she might have got the message by now that Nature was trying to tell her something, wouldn’t you?

The same would apply to a 39 year old man from around Stoke on Trent. He failed his practical test for the 36th time several months ago. So he has spent well over £2,000 just on tests. Even if he managed to get a re-test every 10 days, he’d have taken a whole year to do this many, and even with only one 2 hour lesson between tests he would have spent an additional £1,500 on top of the £1,000 (at least) he would have spent learning at the start.

Nature needs to start shouting a bit louder.

Seriously, though. If someone repeatedly fails the test like this – does it mean they are acceptable if they eventually pass?

EDIT 17/3/2011: Incidentally, this story has gone global – the newsfeeds are supplying hits from all countries. I wonder if they’ll track the woman down?

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