Google Glass – And So It Begins

This one is appearing in just about every newsfeed imaginable. A woman in California was stopped by police for speeding… Hang on. Let me emphasise Google Glassthat: she was speeding. Breaking the Law by driving too fast.

Anyway, it also appears that she was also driving while wearing a pair of the Google Glass spectacles.

I’ve written about these before. They’re already set to be banned when driving in the UK, although in America the tech media is simply assuming that people will wear them when they’re driving a car and doesn’t seem to have any concerns over this obviously stupid possibility.

As I’ve mentioned before, America is that place where they can’t even agree that texting while you’re driving should be illegal – and that’s in spite of the mounting death toll among young drivers whose genes and upbringing means that they tried it, and lost. Similarly, initial American attempts to ban Google Glass have so far failed – and if they can’t see right at the outset that using them when driving is dangerous, such a law has almost no chance of making it through in future.

The woman involved here, Cecilia Abadie, is clearly a lawbreaker if she was speeding. But this fact seems to have escaped her, and all her supporters on her Google+ page, where she describes herself thus:

Geek, Google Glass Pioneer, Self-Quantifier, Transhumanist, Blogger, Speaker, currently playing with fun new ways to a better self… Passionate about Technology’s Evolution.

In her world, technology is clearly more important than other human beings. Therefore, speeding and watching a computer screen while driving is perfectly acceptable behaviour. But even more frighteningly, she is not alone. One of her supporters says:

I bet that cop was just curious about googleglass  and the ticket was just an excuse to check it out. And these legislators banning the device – have they even tried it? I have used the navigation feature while driving (with no incoming calls or texts of course) and found it much safer than GPS and my smartphone

What an idiot! Another “self-quantifier” who hasn’t got a clue.

Arseing about with anything while you are driving is dangerous. That includes a GPS stuck right in the middle of your field of vision, or one stuck on your face. But her and her supporters appear to be far enough down the evolutionary ladder not to be able to realise this. One jackass is even offering to set up a charity fund to finance her taking it through court (she was stopped primarily for speeding, remember, and I can’t see how Google Glass is going to help her get away with that one).

The real problem is that this is America. And California. And Google is involved. It’s frightening to think that she’ll probably get some judge to agree with her and get a legal precedent set.

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