Ban Learners… Pause… Then Repeat… Ban Learners

I saw this story in the newsfeeds. It’s in the Wirral Globe, and it reports how several headstones were damaged in a cemetery by a learner driver who lost control. Since one of them was that of a soldier killed on active duty, the hyenas are out in force.

Let’s just consider a few things. First of all, the story doesn’t specify whether the “learner” was with an ADI – so taking proper lessons – or out with his/her mother, father, or just his mates.


[Cllr Davies, the wannabe politician who has just discovered his calling in life, said]… I saw the outcome of the online survey done by the Globe which showed that people have called for it to be banned.

People HATE learner drivers for no other reason than that they are idiots. What the hell did Cllr Davies expect a “survey” – carried out in the wake of the desecration in question – to reveal? Still, at least it’s provided him with some work and a possible leg up to the next level.

If there is going to be any ban, it should be for ALL drivers, and not just learners. Learner drivers cause infinitely less damage to these places than “normal” drivers do – and that includes those going there to actually grieve, and not just using the place as a short cut or a place to eat their McDonalds or to “make out”.

Now read the part about repairing the stones:

Council officers contacted families of the five memorials affected, explaining that the memorials will all be restored or replaced via a claim on the driver’s insurance.

The “driver’s” insurance? So that means it wasn’t a proper driving instructor.

The Wirral Globe, Cllr Davies, and all the hyenas ready to swear that their lives have been ruined as a result should bear that in mind before they start egging driving school cars.

Cllr Davies doesn’t seem that clued up on grown-up politics, either. He ought to consider the possible discrimination aspect if only learners are banned from public places.

Incidentally, the idiot supervising the learner – whatever or whoever he or she is – should be taken to the cleaners for being rubbish at what they do. But the names on the headstones have absolutely nothing to do with any ban – though unfortunately, that appears to be the driving force in this case.

Instead of piddling about with petty stuff, Cllr Davies ought to throw his weight behind getting the law changed so that learners can only be supervised by ADIs. But I guess that won’t win him anywhere near as many votes come the next elections.

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