Darwin Awards 2014

We’re only a few days into the year and already there are numerous candidates for the 2014 Darwin Awards. These early candidates come courtesy of the bad weather we’ve been having recently.Prats in Blackpool The first ones come from Blackpool.

The next one is in Wales.Prats in Wales

Not sure about these next two, but they’re from the same BBC news video clip.Prats somewhere in the south

But you really need to run that news clip – this guy is current front runner for the 2014 award. He is clearly shitting himself, because he nearly got washed out to sea.Mega-prat in the south

People have already died because they got too close and were washed away. Police have issued warning after warning about staying away.

But still they come – those members of society having only one helix in their DNA, or an abnormal number of chromosomes. Oh, yeah. And they all appear to wear hoodies.

October 2014 update here.

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